The Judgment of God

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Heb. 9:27 God has always existed as judge over His creation. We only need to understand how, when and why He Judges. These will guide

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What type of Wife are you?

RUTH AS AN EXAMPLE. (THE BOOK OF RUTH) 1. The Book of Ruth narrated the dogged sacrifice of a Moabite woman to her foreign mother-in-law. The episode started with Elimelech a Jew, who lived in Bethlehem in Judah. His wife

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The Power of the Tongue to Build or Destroy

Beloved Mishenites and favoured ones among men, ordained and privileged to witness the enthronement and reign of this new King and the FATHER’S Representative among HIS people; let not your life as a Mishenite be controlled and ruled by ego,

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Diligence and Fortitude

The American election was a real eye opener, the first female American woman to contest the position of the President of USA was described by her opponent to be determined, tenacious, courageous, fearless, hardworking, showing care & conscientiousness, diligent to

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“Jesus asked His disciples thus” “But whom say ye that I am? Matthew 16:15. It is the expectation of the Almighty God that man as the crown of His creation will know the truth and the truth will set such

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Grace in general terms is simply God’s unmerited favour and undeserved spiritual blessings. Favour we could say is goodwill, benevolent regard; a kind or helpful deed. I would go further to say, Grace is the manifestation of the love of

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