The Great Divine Holy Order of the Third Era (GDHOTE)

With the love and peace in the land of Mishen, the Rabbinical Council which is the divinely established body that oversees the spiritual welfare and general administration of this institution, on behalf of all Mishenites wish all humanity peace profound in the Name of God, the Father Most High. Amen.

The GDHOTE was established, to be precise, on the 17th of September 1941 by thronical proclamation, as contained in the “Cogent Arrangement”, by the Almighty God. What this means is that there is no human founder. Just as the Creator meditated and the resultant divine products were the heavens, earth and the universe, in the same vein the Holy Order was founded by the Almighty God Himself. The Hosts of heaven and the holy angels of God explained thus:

“Dateline Spring 1941 THE EMANATION OF THE THIRD ERA was established in the Name of ELOHIM-MISHEN – as a final Passover, restoration and initiation of the ADAMIC SOUL back to the full presence of God, and in which the hidden secrets and mysteries of creation are revealed first-hand to mankind, meant to be the Glory of God’s creation in the Cosmic Empire.

Due to the ever-changing face of the Earth and the boundless expanse of man’s mind that is subjected to his will in retrospect, a smaller version of this Grand Liturgy Observance was instituted that the favoured of God may be in constant favour of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, through time and clime”. Tetra, Pastor, Michael the Patron.

The GDHOTE is an instituted grace for the advantage few, chosen and anointed by God to be pioneers and pace setters for the earthly divine foundation of the New Kingdom of God. This is not a sacred discrimination as some may think, but the grand design of the Supreme Deity, the OMNISCIENT ONE.

To explain this, we may recall that the Tribe of Israel was God’s favoured tribe and He did not hide this from the rest of the world. The Bible says, “many are called few are chosen.”

In the Bible it is also written that Jesus spoke in parables, while a few chosen understood. Jesus Christ also chose a few disciples and there were only a few apostles. The blessing at Pentecost was on 120 people (Acts: 1&2), even though many people throughout the whole world were present in Jerusalem that day.

Also, it is noteworthy that in the Roman Catholic Churches the monastery is not open to all, likewise non-Catholics are not allowed to partake in Holy Communion in Catholic Churches no matter your level of adept-ship. This is not to discriminate, but to follow laid down principles and rules.

Jesus spoke to the crowd in parables, not to hide the truth, but to allow sincere seekers of the truth to ignite their passion and build up their will power to decipher the hidden spiritual meaning in the illustrations.

The GDHOTE from all ramifications is a well-established divine institution of esoteric science for spiritual research and development by the Almighty God.

To all intent and purposes, it is an advanced school for experienced Christian souls who were slated to have positive impact on the world of mortals in their various sojourns, or common place of worship, but an extra-ordinary spiritual citadel meant for the soul’s awakening in pursuance and search for divine realities. The GDHOTE is an institution meant for a few ready to devote their lives in full to God, and the mission of Christ.

For a student of light graced to be a partaker of the special grace of this Holy Order, such journey in life must be an eventful one. Such soul as a result of in-depth uncommon divine knowledge will bridge the wide gap between the Almighty God and His highest glory in creation (man).

It would, however, be tantamount to a waste of valuable earthly sojourn and resources, if any soul in records, who per-adventure and cosmic design, passes through this sacred institution without developing his/her soul, or leaving positive impact on the sands of time. This can be likened to an ace sportsman who participated in a crucial competition without any laurel or medal to show for same. This is why the scholarship of the GDHOTE is subjected to scrutiny, because it involves real discipline, sacrifice, constant practice for development and above all the upholding of the four pillars of Christ Light- LOVE, OBEDIENCE, FAITH and TRUTH to God and humanity.

Gold must surely pass through the fire before it can be appreciated. Some information is best known to those who seek such knowledge, because to others such information is not useful. The parable of the sower is a vivid example of the various minds of men in assimilating the treasured truth. As Paul told Timothy we must not fight or run aimlessly. Rather as he said in 1 Corinthians 9:27 we must pummel ourselves in our calling.

The GDHOTE is therefore an institution for higher Christian learning, only to those who are divinely approved and favoured. Once called, woe it is, as Paul said, if we do not heed the call.

Prophets Joshua and Moses in the entourage of the Master, Jesus Christ in their visit to the Holy Order in August 2010 concluded that: “The land of Mishen is the endowed institution from above to anchor the spread of God’s love, Light and Life to the rest of mankind. It is not a Church or an ordinary Spiritual Organization, but divinely established spiritual Empire to represent God here on earth and bring the entire human race back to God Head. We attest to this ORDER from above, to same we are committed.”

According to divine instructions laid down by God, the Holy Order is not allowed to scramble, compete or embark on membership drive by electronic or print media, or by any means of propagation. Those who are ordained to be scholars shall be convinced through interaction with members of the Holy Order in their earthly pursuits. Also, membership is not by compulsion, it is purely voluntary, taking due cognizance of the associated discipline and sacrifice that are required of scholars.

Most importantly, it is not only by membership of the Holy Order that the divine knowledge of God can be gained. This is equally possible through interaction with members and Holy Order publications.

The restriction in the mode of membership is not forever according to divine revelation, it is meant to build and consolidate on the spiritual foundation of the THIRD ERA. The holy angels explained further:

“Bear in mind that when the time is ripe, what needs to be known by all shall be made open, but for now, there is need for the stage to be properly set.” Raphael.

Without paying lip service, we reiterate that the Holy Order is the last spiritual vehicle established by the Almighty God Himself to actualize His mission for mankind and to bring humanity back to His domain. Many may not believe this, but I warn don’t let Satan this time again get through with his plans! Stop worrying what others may think about you. It is time to worry about what “God thinks about you.”

These submissions are not meant to run other Christian denominations down. The fact is that before you can be admitted as a scholar into the Holy Order you must be a practising Christian, baptized in an established church and conversant with the Holy Bible. These are the basic pre-requisites for admission. This shows that the Holy Order is a higher spiritual Christian set-up that requires basic Christian knowledge.

This is the 77th year of establishment of this great institution, it is therefore, very symbolic. More importantly the whole world is billed to feel the impulse of the existence of this divine spiritual Organization according to God’s command dated 28th January 2018, the directives read thus:

“The veil of restriction and limitation of dissemination of knowledge of God through the Order was lifted on the day when He established the New Kingdom on earth.

By this, you have all the right to educate His people outside with what you have; though as we have said, do not expect a smooth sail initially, but eventually, those destined for salvation shall heed your call of love. However, let every word that must go out be properly proofed and certified as correct. This is your time.” Michael.

The Rabbinical Council of this Great Divine Holy Order of the Third Era welcome you to the Order’s website. May your eyes be opened to behold the wondrous things of God, may your mediation in God’s revelation and power be astounding, may the peace of God fill your hearts, may His love in creating you in His image and after His likeness ignite and make useful all the virtues in you invested, may the New Kingdom of God be entrenched in your subconscious mind, may the Christ light shine into your being and raise your level of righteousness in God, and may you find the wisdom of God herein useful and beneficial to your soul, in the name of Emmanuel, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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