The Great Divine Holy Order of the Third Era

The Great Divine Holy Order of the Third Era (GDHOTE) was established by the Almighty God in 1941 to nurture this era of humanity in His true worship just as he picked Abram and worked with his generation for hundreds of years before His knowledge became clearer. Year by year, we have become more knowledgeable and the bible becomes better understood.

It is a base for the most in-depth spiritual knowledge; that is what made it “divine”. You may therefore see it as a special school providing education in theology, religious history, secrets of God and His creation, primarily to prepare scholars for divine maguship, priesthood, discipleship, ministry, rabbinate, psychic and mediumship development. Every member goes through continuous training classes to make them spiritual heads of their households and others around them – by extension, the entire humanity.

Holy Order, as it is called, is an Organisation that portrays holiness. We are divinely guided in an orderly worship; not to simply excite, impress, or entertain brethren – but with humility and reverence, as prescribed by God Himself.

Holy Order is NOT a secret society as insinuated by some people but an intimate religious institution. White garment is the mode of dressing for worship. The white garment is simple and completely uniform in material and style, no colour rendering, no embellishment, no jewellery on the garment. A few people in leadership positions have uniform capes that are also white. This is leveler; no fashion show or show-off allowed. Members are not allowed to put on their gown in public; only used in sacred worship, which is completely committed to the worship of the Almighty God in the most sacred manner.

Services are held on Sabbath, the seventh day of the week according to the scriptures – Exodus 31:16–17. Some members of the Holy Order are at liberty to attend common churches on Sundays so that they can maintain wider relationship with families and friends that may not be members of the Order.

What is taught in most churches are valid. However, it represents just a base level understanding of the kingdom of God. Only individuals who seek to know more about God and do more for Him would want to be a scholar of the Holy Order.

In the Holy Order there is no room for partisan activities, there should be no struggle, no contention or lobbying for offices, favour and positions. All officers are divinely appointed by God in His infinite mercy, grace, capacity and choice through the Holy Spirit.

Knowledge is power, yet power can be used rightly or wrongly.

This is TRUTH that cannot change.

We are not bothered by what people say, but the commendation of the Almighty for doing His desire and making the mark in educating and liberating the world.

Whether you do good or bad, people must always talk, so we concentrate in doing those things which He has commanded us.

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