What type of Wife are you?



1. The Book of Ruth narrated the dogged sacrifice of a Moabite woman to her foreign mother-in-law. The episode started with Elimelech a Jew, who lived in Bethlehem in Judah. His wife Naomi had two sons – Mahlon and Chilion. They were living happily until there was famine in Bethlehem and they moved to Moab. The two sons married to two Moabite ladies -Orpah and Ruth.

2. Later, Elimelech died. After about ten years, Naomi’s two sons also died without any kids from their wives, so Naomi had no grandchildren.

3. Famine in Bethlehem was over around that time, Naomi decided to make her way back to Judah. She begged her daughter-in-laws to head back to their mother’s houses so that they could have nice husbands and live happily.

4. Orpah took her mother-in-law’s advice and went for another wedding, but Ruth decided to go with the mother-in-law. Ruth pledged to follow Naomi wherever she goes. She told Naomi that her people shall be her (Ruth’s) people and her (Naomi’s) God shall be her own God, where she dies, there she will die. Ruth was devoted to Naomi.

5. Ruth threw off her religion, language and cultural identity and became a Jew living in Judah. Everybody started gossiping about Naomi’s return to Judah with her daughter-in-law.

6. Then, the Barley harvest was about to begin in Bethlehem. Ruth told Naomi that she would go to the Barley fields and try to glean some ears of grain. That means, she was going to gather some of the Barley that were left behind after the workers’ harvest. A sort of charity for really poor people.

7. She happened to pick the part of that field that Boaz owns. A lucky lady. Boaz happened to be around and inquired about her. The servant explained how Ruth left her home and family so she could stick by Naomi when the going got tough. A good lady. She was welcome to harvest in his field all season and drink from the same water the workers drank. The harvesters should not bother her. (Ruth 2:8,9). She had favour in the sight of Boaz. Ruth was so grateful. She threw herself on the ground in front of Boaz (Ruth 2:10). Boaz had heard about Ruth’s devotion to Naomi (Ruth 2:11). In verse 12, Boaz blessed Ruth: “The Lord recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust”.

8. Ruth worked so hard in the field. She was determined. Boaz was impressed and gave her free Barley grain. She spoilt her mother-in-law with food. Naomi wondered where she got so much grain.

9. Naomi sought security for her in a rich husband. Ruth agreed with Naomi’s advice and headed out to lie with Boaz. After due process, Boaz married Ruth. She got pregnant and had a son, Obed. She gave Naomi a grandson and even allowed Naomi to breast fed the baby. Obed became the father of Jesse who was the father of King David. Jesus Christ came through the linage.

10. Lessons: –
i) Ruth was a good wife and a devoted daughter–in–law to Naomi. She displayed strong character and truth in God even in the face of adversity and loss.
ii) She was a loving wife. “for whither thou goest, I will go.” (Ruth 1:16). Her relationship with the family of her husband was bonded with genuine love and faith in God.
iii) She was trustworthy. (Ruth 2:12) “The Lord recompense thy work under whose wing thou art come to trust.”
iv) Ruth was industrious and determined to support her mother-in-law. She worked so hard on Boaz field and gained favour.
v) Ruth was faithful and obedient to her marriage even after the death of her husband and even without children. She only listened to her mother–in–law and agreed to lie at the feet of Boaz.
vi) Her character and attitude overcame differences that might otherwise create division and disharmony between wife and her in-laws.
vii) She waited until due process was taken as a respectable woman before she married Boaz.
viii) God compensated her by giving her Obed the linage by which the Messiah was born.

‘Marians’ and all women are thus advised to follow the good example of Ruth so as to build a happy home. Many wives cannot tolerate their in-laws, some don’t even have regard for them. This is wrong for a child of God and a follower of Christ.

Patience, perseverance and love, shall make a woman to be a virtuous wife, that shall savour the benefits of marriage till generations to come.

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