Diligence and Fortitude


The American election was a real eye opener, the first female American woman to contest the position of the President of USA was described by her opponent to be determined, tenacious, courageous, fearless, hardworking, showing care & conscientiousness, diligent to win the election. In her own words Hilary Clinton said, “I know one thing, I am prepared to be the President of the USA!” Despite all the bad press especially from her opponent, WikiLeaks etc. she remained undaunted, undismayed by those who were sneering at her and she forged ahead with confidence and faith.

So, I ask my dear sisters where will we be when found in the face of challenges while performing the tasks assigned to us by God Almighty?

Deborah’s life (Judges 4, 5) challenges us. In Chapter 4, we are shown that God can use a woman to do His will. God used Deborah to give the men courage, and also to prophesy the victory that God would give the Israelites. In this case, we are told that the Lord delivered Sisera- the tormentor of the Israelites- into the hands of a woman (Judges 4: 9). Never let the fact that you are a woman, be an excuse for doing nothing. Women have the power to build up and destroy. What kind of woman will you be?

Hilary Clinton like Deborah is an example of a brave woman, who is not discouraged with culture or belief that women should be restricted to the kitchen, bedroom or living room, rather she channels her efforts towards achieving what God has given her the ability to do – lead. She does not waste valuable time, thinking that “she is only a woman” or sit there worrying about what she thinks she cannot do. Besides, who is to say what you can and cannot do? When you are too busy worrying about being only a woman, or full of fear that you cannot do something, it shows that you are self-reliant and not God-reliant.

God does not want you to rest in what you think is your weakness, he wants you to be emboldened by His strength. After all, “is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen 18:14). Women are influential! Think about the things you convince your husbands to do … the woman is the neck that supports the head, but also turns it in the right direction? How will you direct your head? Do not underestimate yourself as a woman. Instead, ask God to give you the strength to do His will and be a partner to your husbands that will lead your family to walk firmly on the path of righteousness and truth, with the sole focus of achieving God’s will.

We can see that these women have a common thread that runs through them:

  1. Courage
  2. Faith and trust in God
  3. Wise leaders in their homes, work place, place of worship.
  4. Been available both to God and mankind – I mean our families, friends, neighbours and environment.
  5. Reliance on God and not on themselves

Are we truly ready to drop all shackles, prejudices and bid the clarion call?

We have been chosen for a task and also empowered to perform that task. We are true servants of God, divinely appointed, a basis for our sense of security and self-worth. See Isaiah 42:1. God in his infinite mercy and love has empowered us for the task ahead of us and that task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.

May God take over, fill each and every one of us with the Holy Spirit and grant us the grace to be and do our best in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Glory be to God the father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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