No human founder. God is the Founder. As He meditated and the earth and universe were formed, so also He meditated and the resultant product was the GDHOTE founded on Christ Light. Jesus Christ is the Grand Patron, while God Himself is the Founder.
Christianity with the true knowledge of God’s worship as He revealed to Abraham and his descendant generations to keep and uphold.
Our messages are in line with the knowledge and true interpretation of God’s words sent through Jesus Christ and His prophets. They are meant to correct wrong interpretation of His words and wrong doctrines in Christendom.
God as the Founder gives direction to the Holy Order on what to do, how to do it and when to do it. We follow His plans as revealed to us.

The scriptures are explanatory on this. Why did God choose only Abram out of the inhabitants of the city of Haran and sent him on a mission? Why did He choose Moses from among the male children of Israel? Why did God choose the Israelites as a Nation of Priesthood and His beloved race? Why did God appoint Saul as the first King of Israel among thousands? Why did He anoint David as King out of the eight children of Jesse? Why Jesus Christ among the other 16 Sons of God? Why did He choose to convert the great persecutor Saul to Paul the Apostle of Christ? These are to mention few of the biblical examples of God’s discretions that are best known to Him as the Omnipotent and Omniscient. He chooses those He wishes, He calls those He wants and He sends those He delights in.

The Trinity is divine and of God the Father. There is only one God that cannot be divided nor separated into three as some believe. In this union, God is the supreme as the Father and God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Father, He is not God. He seats at the right hand of God as Christ and Son. The third aspect which is the Holy Spirit, is the comforter, the enabling force of God the Father that assists man to accomplish successfully the work of God. The Holy Spirit is not God either. In a nutshell the Father is the God Almighty, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit is the workforce of God. The proper relationship is best said thus: God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. NOT, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Ghost).
On Christ Light, the Holy Order was founded by God Almighty. Therefore, Jesus the Christ is the Grand Patron and the Grand Spiritual General Overseer of the Great Divine Holy Order of the Third Era.
As said in previous narrations, not all peoples are privileged to worship in the Holy Order. God as the Founder has this discretion to call, to select and to appoint whosoever He wishes to worship in His GDHOTE now. This may be temporary, as He has said this is necessary to set the proper stage for the emancipation of the Third Era.
No, it is not a monastery. It is a Higher Christian Institution of Spiritual Learning.
We have branches at Ibadan, Ọyọ State, Nigeria; at Ikenne-Rẹmọ, Ogun State, Nigeria; at Abuja, FCT, Nigeria, at London, UK; at Texas USA and at Maryland, USA.
Every blog and sermon contents are inspirations from the Holy Spirit. Bible passages and true divine revelations from other inspired men and women are equally considered.
Definitely yes. The old and new testaments make whole the will, knowledge, wisdom and intentions of God. If one is separated from the other or one is discarded for the other by anybody, it is a great mistake and misconception. The whole Bible is the WORD of God, there should be no discrimination but true understanding and interpretation matters greatly.
We do not compare ourselves to any denomination in Christendom, likewise we do not condemn other religious bodies nor engage in race for membership. We are unique and pursue the will of God as He commanded.
According to divine set up, there exist three Arms of governance in the Holy Order. The Guidance Arm headed by the Great Divine Reader, the Administrative Arm headed by the Great Divine Rabbi and the Spiritual Arm headed by the Great Divine Prophet and High Priest. These are independent divine arms that work in harmony devoid of competition. There is no single acclaimed General Overseer in the GDHOTE.
The First Era is divided into two phases – ‘The Adamite Era’ and ‘The Hebrew Time’. The first highly sacred and holy art started in the Adamite Era, practiced by Abraham the Believer, initiated by King Melchizedek. This was continuously practiced by other Elects of God in the First Era. It was the first and the closest era to God, unfortunately this era started the pollution and desecration of the earth which was created in beauty and love for man’s comfort and home. The Adamite Era ended with Noah with a link with the next era. Noah, as the last of the Adamite Era, also fell because he polluted the earth by the curse on his son, Ham, after the deluge. The Hebrew Time which is the second phase of the First Era came with Elder Moses and the activities of the Israelites in the wilderness in their sojourn to the Promised Land to the reign of the kings of Judah and Israel down to the prophets. The First Era failed to achieve God’s expectations due to disobedience, idolatry and indiscipline. There was need for a new Era, the Second Era. This started with the period of Jesus Christ mission and taking root with the period of Ancient Christians of the Apostolic Period initiated and baptized by the Holy Paraclete. After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, it appeared that there was lack of unity in the new religion as was propagated. Opinions differed on doctrines and in some cases, individual interpretations were given to Jesus’s teachings. In spite of the virtues of Christ and the love of God, man failed to use this Holy Art for the salvation of mankind. Hence the need for the Third and Last Era.
Yes, tithe is a biblical directive to support the Levites, the needy, the poor and to maintain the flock. Who is a Levite? A Levite in this context is someone called by God to serve with no other means of livelihood or vocation, except to serve in the Temple of God. Tithes are voluntary and is solely between the giver and God. No compulsion in paying tithes.
Yes, we do. This is an important condition for membership as directed by God. You must be baptized as Christians.
Absolutely. Reincarnation is a show of love from God to mankind as an avenue or second chance to make amends of past sins and shortcomings, in order to pay the prize of accumulated karma. God wants every man to gain salvation, therefore, reincarnation affords man the opportunity to make corrections. If not, bigger percentage of human beings will end up in hell. This is the wish of the devil, which is contrary to God’s wish for man, the glory of His creation.
As it has been said earlier, you must be a practicing Christian duly baptised in the Church; must be conversant with the Bible, God’s revelation and Jesus Christ teachings. Most importantly, you must be sanctioned or approved by God Himself.
The laws of God are simple, beneficial and pleasing to the wise. The Bible categorically stated the day of ‘God’s Rest’, the directive and command to observe and keep this day holy. The seventh day of the week is the Sabbath of God. This sanctified and sacred day was separated by Him for His worship. God commanded this day for His worship in the Holy Order, this is why we observe the Sabbath and not Sunday as a day of worshiping the Almighty God.
Taking cognisance of the explanations made about admission of members into the Holy Order, which is the sole responsibility of God and His discretion, then it is obvious that no man nor leaders of His Order can on their own allow the public access to worship.

Worshipping in a particular Temple, Church or place of worship do not guarantee salvation for man. It is the knowledge imbibed from such places and the correct application of this that matters most.

Nicodemus and Joseph Arimathea were not Jesus’s disciples, but benefited and applied Jesus’s teachings in their lives. When all the disciples ran for safety these ones stood up to identify with Jesus at his arrest and death.

Truth has no colouring, it stands the test of time and it is ever consistent. If you are convinced with our messages, take, use and spread them freely. It is the Lord’s doing, not by our might or power.

There are three categories of ministers in the Holy Order. We have the Priesthood that consists of Divine Priests and Priestesses, Divine Sub-Priests and Sub-Priestesses and Deacons and Deaconess. Responsible for spiritual feeding of the flock.

 The other set is the Mediumship which include the Divine Readers and the Divine Seers. Responsible for spiritual guidance of the flock.

The third is the Administrative arm where we have the Divine Rabbi and Divine Circle Organiser. Responsible for the smooth administration of the Order.

Other departments include Divine Circle Constructor, Divine Adviser, Divine Law Organiser and Divine Gesture of Arts. Responsible for training, counselling, discipline and divine arts respectively.

All these positions are appointed by God through the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Order there is no room for contention and lobbying for positions and offices.

None. The three arms of governance set up by God in His Cogent Arrangement gave each arm its powers, authority and sphere of influence. No one supersedes the other, but each MUST compliment and respect the others for progress and manifestation of God’s plans. 

What is ritual? It depends on what you understand as rituals.

Ritual is something that you do regularly and in the same way each time. If you are used to morning and evening prayers it becomes a daily ritual for you. When you have a set of prayer points and you go about them in the same manner every time, it becomes your prayer ritual.

In the Holy Order we have sets of written affirmations and prayers for specific purposes we do regularly or in the same way. These are Holy Order set of rituals or manuals as guide for supplication and prayers.

These are first line officers, those who are charged with the administration, welfare and spiritual well-being of the GDHOTE.

The Rabbi is the King of the Circle, so, the Rabbinical Council comprises the Heads of the three Arms of governance, the priests, other heads of departments and their deputies, with the Divine Rabbi as chairman.

No, not at all. It is a Higher Christian Institution for spiritual development. Our place of worship is called the Temple and not Church.

Temple is where God resides, therefore, pollutions must not be allowed to come in. This means, corpse or dead bodies, foot wears and normal dresses are not allowed inside the Temple. A white garment of the same quality and style specifically dedicated to the worship of God is the only divinely approved uniform for all that will enter the Temple.

Whereas, in many churches foot wears, different dresses and styles of all colours are suitable to enter the Church. Coffins and corpses are brought into the Church for burial rites. These are not allowed in the Temple because it is the abode of the Living God.

God is the Founder and He christened this greatest gift to mankind with the name the Great Divine Holy Order of the Third Era when He founded it in 1941.

The created order of God is vast, mysterious and limitless. Only to those He wishes He gave a measure of knowledge of His creativeness.

In the Bible apart from human beings many angels, other spiritual creatures and beings were mentioned. This is a knowledge freely given by God in the Holy Order. God sends His holy angels and spirits, including old sages who have sojourn on this earth plane to guide, teach and render services to the Holy Order.

Faith is believing what we cannot see, but we know it exists. No one has ever seen God face to face, even the holy angels. However, God in His infinite mercy and grace has revealed Himself to many humans in the past generations, in diverse ways and forms. 

If you are divinely touched and spirit filled with the messages of God on this platform, thank God for His revelation to you. Embrace the knowledge and live in Christ Light. 

You do not need to meet us or give us anything in return. All praises and adoration must be to God of Mishen.

The Third Era is the Third Institution of the Holy Art for the favoured African Race in Christ Jesus. Because of the curse of Noah on Ham, the African race has suffered a lot of oppression from other races. Because of this, magi of grace who failed to ascend after the change were made to re-incarnate there so as to wear out their karma. It was because of this curse, that God in love, gave to the African race, the Third Era in which magi of the Adamite Era, Hebrew Time and Second Era are to come and make amends for their past mistakes. Jesus Christ as the beginner of the Second Era, came and manifested the Promised Land to fulfil the promise of God to Abraham, David and others. The Third Era signifies the end of tyranny and oppression while the African race can now be a penitentiary for the graced magi of old who lost out as a result of their failure, mistakes and descent.

It is because of our short-sightedness that human race discriminate against one another due to colour, race, language, culture and beliefs, forgetting that humanity came from the same source and we shall all return to the same source. A European citizen may re-incarnate as an African, while an Asian may come back as an American. We only know our present position and status, but what will become of us in another life is unknown. Therefore, the Third Era is an avenue for all human beings to make amends of our past and present mistakes of man’s inhumanity to fellow men and most importantly for the New Kingdom of God to be established on earth and the Garden of Eden regained.