
Human beings inherited sin from our fore-parents, the first Humans to be created; Adam and Eve. Many times, man in ignorance do ask, why should God be visiting the sins of Adam our forefather on us after over thousands of years. If we are truthful to ourselves, we shall agree and come to a reasonable conclusion that the sins of our present age are far greater than even those of our fore parents.
We have the same sinful nature and are prone to rebel against God, in the negative use of our free-will. If human beings have stopped sinning, as a result of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, sin should have been a thing of the past in our lives. Therefore, we are being judged for the sins we are committing.

2. As Adam was the first created man, so is Jesus Christ the first Redeemed Son of God.
Man became mortal due to sin, but Jesus showed us the way to live eternal life. This way starts with confession of our sins, repentance and forgiveness.
God saw that man have polluted the earth, He therefore resolved to send His only begotten Son for the redemption of mankind and the world.

3. What are the virtues and graces in the blood of Jesus Christ shed on mount Calvary?

The Holy Spirit enumerated these as follows:

4. The coming of Christ to the world of sin was for him to shed his blood to atone for the sins of all humanity, hence the PRIMARY virtue of the blood shed on the cross of Calvary was for the FORGIVENESS OF SINS for man. This, however is subdivided into several other areas: –

a) THE LOVE OF GOD: – The Adamic sins were indelible, and God did not want to destroy the world again as He had done once, His love for humanity was great, hence He chose to sacrifice His only begotten son to save man from shame and everlasting death.
b) FORGIVENESS OF SINS: – Since God so loved the world, and by the shedding of blood (of His son Jesus Christ), man received cleansing, atonement and sanctification to become and also called, a child of God.
c) JUSTIFICATION TO LIVE: – By the death of Christ, man is justified against all accusations of sins and sinfulness, and he overcomes the wages of sin which is death, thereby gaining life everlasting, which is the grace of victory.
d) RIGHT OF HEIRSHIP: – By the shedding of the blood, the right of entry to the kingdom of God is gained for man by Jesus and man is made an heir to the kingdom, a privilege that no other sacrifice can attain for man.
These are the virtues that man derives from the death of Jesus Christ and the shedding of his blood.” Michael,

5. The Holy Spirit added thus: ” In Christendom today, there is a lot of misconception about the blood of Christ. Some even tempt God by invoking the blood of Christ on mundane things which common sense could have prevailed upon them to avoid, believing that with the invocation of the blood of Jesus they are shielded or protected from such calamities.
Categorically, we tell you, the blood of Christ is for the redemption of man from sins – an only sacrifice which God accepts for the forgiveness of all the manifold sins and sinfulness of mankind.
To employ it in any other way is to deceive oneself and to seek for unnecessary evils or discomfort.” Michael, Gabriel.

6. In recent times, Christians have adopted using the blood of Christ for protection, victory and conquest. They do this by ‘covering’ themselves, properties and journeys with the blood of Jesus Christ.

The blood of Christ shed on Calvary is for atonement of sins. The common phenomenon to invoke the virtue in the blood of Christ for protection, safety, victory and conquest, success, provision and for all prayer requests is a deviation from the correct use of the blood of Christ.

7. Jesus enlightened us in Matthew 26:27-28 when he initiated the Eucharist, the Holy Communion at the last super with his disciples thus:

8. “And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
Matthew 26:27-29 KJV

9. The blood that Jesus Christ shed for the salvation of mankind, is not the same as the blood of a Lamb, that God commanded the Israelites to use to mark the door post of their houses in Egypt, to keep the Angel of death at bay. That is, the blood of Jesus Christ is not for protection and safety, victory and conquest. Rather, the blood of Jesus Christ is for forgiveness of Sins.

10. Jesus suffered and died for the redemption of sins of mankind. Ephesians 5:1-2 reads:
“Follow God’s example in everything you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to Him”.

11 How do we appropriate the virtues in the blood of Jesus Christ?

The Holy Spirit explained thus:

That Christ came to die for the sins of the world does not mean that the grace is automatic for everyone. Though the opportunity is open but-
1. Man must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
2. That he died so that man may live.
3. Accept him as Lord and Saviour.
4. Confess one’s sins and repent from these sins and remain repented.
5. Be baptised in his name to become an heir to his kingdom.
6. Live a righteous life according to the laws and tenets laid down.
7. Love God and love thy fellow man, even as he loved the world and laid down his life for their sins.
8. Propagate the love of God to those who are still in the dark and are yet to believe.
These are the conditions by which the blood of Jesus Christ can be effective in the life of man.” Michael, Gabriel.

12. It is wrong to start using the virtue in the blood of Christ for other prayer points other than forgiveness, pardon and absolution. Ignorance is not an excuse for a wrong doing or approach. The blood of Christ is only for redemption and salvation from sin and its consequences. Those who have ears, let them hear what the spirit is saying.

Let us pray: O God our help in ages past, we recognize ourselves as sinners, we do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for all our negligence’s past and present. Have mercy upon us and cleanse us from our sins by and through the blood of Thy only Begotten Son, Emmanuel, Jesus the Christ, now and forevermore. Amen.

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