  1. Jerusalem was the happening place.
    The holiday and rite was called Passover.
    Jesus came by donkey transport amidst fun fair.
    HOSANA was the password, palm branches were laid on the floor, everywhere.
    People call him King.
    Days later, nothing was the same –
    From Jerusalem grand entrance to final Passover meal.
    From mount Olives to Gethsemane garden.
    For just 30 silver coins, Jesus was betrayed by one of his loyalists, and Jesus was arrested. It was extremely unpleasant!
    The High Priest and the Governor interrogated Jesus. The evidence wasn’t legit, and the whole thing was rigged.
    Even the crowd made a turnaround from “Hosanna” and chanted “Crucify him!”
    Jesus was stripped. Jesus was whipped. Jesus was mocked. Jesus was tortured, and they wore on him a crown of thorns.
    They hung and fastened him on a cross with giant nails. It was a gory sight.
    And Jesus cried, ” It is finished” and breathed his last.
    They put him in a tomb, and they sealed it with a very big rock.
    The tomb was full.
    He descended to hell, conquered death, defeated Satan and his league of demons and liberated the captives.
    After the sabbath, the women went to the tomb.
    Nothing had prepared them for the surprise that awaited.
    Surprisingly, the tomb was empty!
    Angel said to the women, ” don’t be afraid. He is not here. He is risen. Check it out yourself. Now go tell everyone this great news.”
    It remains good news till today.
    That tomb is still empty, and Jesus still lives.
    The tomb is still empty!
    Christ is risen from the dead.
    He makes appearance to his disciples and promised to send the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
    He ascended into heavens, and rules over all thrones, houses and empires and the Castle of Saints in the Celestial realm.
    He ascended into the Holy Throne to sit at the right hand of God, the Father.
  2. “And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.” Luke 24:51.
    In the glaring view of his disciples, Jesus Christ was lifted into the heavens. This was after his death, resurrection from the grave and meeting with his disciples.There were other records of God’s servants who disappeared into the sky and could no more be seen, even their earthly bodies. These include:
  3. ENOCH
    “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Hebrew 11:5.
    What is the meaning of this verse? The Holy Spirit ministered as follows:”To translate does not mean to make immortal! Rather it means to exchange, or transfer or change position.
    There are two types of death – the physical death, which is compulsory for every human being and the spiritual death, which is conditional, based on the actions of man, while he was on earth.
    Enoch was translated and God chose to bury him where no one can see him.
    Enoch remains in the Castle of Saints – a lower heaven to that of God, the Father.” Raphael.Enoch walked with God as a righteous soul, however, he never ascended to the heaven, until Jesus Christ ascended.The holy angels of God explained the temporary abode of Enoch before the ascension of Christ, they submitted as follows:“Enoch found the favour of God and by faith, he was taken away by God so that he would not see death. Again, no specific location could be given to his body, but he could not just be in the air without an abode; and since he was also a beloved of God, he had to be taken to the “waiting room”, while awaiting the ascension of Christ just like the others with him in the abode before been admitted into the Castle of Saints.” Michael, Gabriel, Raphael.Enoch was taken to one of the heavens, a temporary abode before he was admitted into the Castle of Saints, a special place in the celestial realm designated for humans who have attained sainthood.
  4. MOSES.
    “So, Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.
    And He buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.” Deuteronomy 34:5-6.The angel of records revealed the following about the death of Moses:
    “The explanation of the transition of Moses follows the same line as that of Enoch except that his death was actually recorded, and it was shown that God took and buried his body where no one can see it.” Raphael.Moses died natural death as a mortal being, but God never disclosed his grave to mankind. He never wanted the Israelites to start worshipping Moses as God, as some ignorant among them have been referring to him as God in his lifetime.The record of the ascension of Moses was further explained by the holy angels of God thus:
    “In the case of Moses, he actually died and was buried by God at Moab, however, the site of his burial was never known to man till date as it is written in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 34.
    Moses, however ascended before Christ and was taken to the “waiting room”, though not without a fight between Satan who claimed Moses was a murderer and does not deserve resurrection and the angel sent to rescue him. Here, God’s prerogative took the upper hand.” Michael, Gabriel, Raphael.Moses too ascended to a waiting room in the heavens, but not into the place provided for Saints who have won a glorious battle in this earthly sojourn. The accusers of men, Satan and his cohorts mounted a wall of protest and accusation against Moses for killing the Egyptian man when he was defending the Israelite. God’s prerogative of mercy was upheld in favour of Moses.
    “And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” 2 Kings 2:11The recorder of the book of life, angel Raphael added thus:
    “Jesus while on earth said, ” No man ascended up to heaven, except him who came down from heaven, even the son of man.” If this is true,
    Did Elijah go to “Heaven” then, before the coming of Christ and his ascension?
    Did Elijah ascend to the heaven where God’s throne is?
    If Elijah was taken by a chariot of fire and taken up to “heaven”, then there must have been a place where he was taken to, and not the heaven where the throne of God is.
    Jesus Christ, being the High Priest of God is the only one who has the right to be in or sit at the right hand of God in the heaven where the father resides, that is the throne of God.” Gabriel, Raphael.Elijah was taken by the chariot not to the Holy Throne of God, but to a place where he was kept and preserved by God. Elijah later reincarnated as John the Baptist, as the Elias that was to come as predicted by the prophet.There is no human being that ascended the throne of God or the Castle of Saints before the Son of God, Jesus Christ. All human beings were held captive by sins and death until Jesus Christ liberated the captive souls of men when he descended into the abyss after his crucifixion and death, except some few souls kept by God.The holy angels of God explained further:
    “In the book of 2 Kings chapter 2 verse 11, it states clearly that a chariot of fire took Elijah to heaven; however, this does not invalidate the truth that Jesus was the first living dead to ascend to heaven, if you understand the structure of the heavens and the words of Jesus himself that ”In my father’s House, there are many mansions.”
    There are 7 heavens and Elijah was in one of them that you can call a “waiting room” and not the heaven of the saints. This is prior to the ascension of Christ.” Michael, Gabriel, Raphael.
    Like the others, the soul of Elijah was kept in the waiting room in one of the seven heavens in the celestial empire, even after he reincarnated as John the Baptist to accomplish his divine task and pay his karma. He was only admitted into the Castle of Saints after the ascension of Jesus the Christ.
  6. The Gospel of John chapter 3, verse 13 pointed to this, it says:“And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”After forty days of resurrection of Jesus Christ, he ascended into the heavens not in physical form or earthly body suit but in his glory as Christ, with other saints who have accomplished their destiny.The holy angels explained further:
    “Jesus ascended into heaven but not with his human-like flesh and bone body as portrayed. What the people see at his ascension is different from what he took away from the earth for he has to go from mortality to immortality.
    The immortal and glorious body is the body which Christ took away from the earth to heaven for no mortal being can ascend into the heavenly places.
    A soul has two bodies – the natural body and the spiritual body. The natural body is that which is buried at death and the spiritual body is that which is raised up.
    Though it seems that Christ ascended with his physical body, this is not so, as he has been transformed from corruptible to incorruptible, reason being to give prove and assurance to the world that he actually rose from the dead.” Raphael.
  7. Enoch, Moses, Elijah and all mortal beings born of into this world must experience death of the body as commanded by God “You are dust and you shall return to dust.” The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead afforded all mortal souls the grace of resurrection. His ascension to heavens gave mankind the grace to be accepted into the heavenly empire in the celestial realm to occupy the places provided for those who have accomplished their earthly tasks successfully. Prior to this, no human kind ever ascended to the heaven, but to a waiting room in the celestial realm of in the hades, before Jesus the Christ. The supreme atonement sacrifice made possible by Jesus Christ removed the barrier before mankind for divine connection with God the Father.
  8. Knowledge is power and he who must be knowledgeable must be patient to seek the truth, to accept it and to put it to practice. The holy angels enlightened us, especially followers of Christ thus:
    “Many truths are shrouded in secrecy and codified, but the erroneous belief that “You must not add to or remove from what is written in the Bible” hinders people from investigating more about statements made in riddles, codified or proverbial.” Michael, Gabriel, Raphael.To understand the true knowledge of God in the Bible, a true follower of Christ must be patient in seeking the truth. It is not a taboo or out of place to seek for the true interpretation and meaning of the words of God written in the Bible. Gold they say have no value in the hand of swans, likewise codified statements and riddles are valueless in the hands of ignorants and pessimists.
  9. For example, transfiguration occurred while Jesus was still living on earth, yet God transformed him into spirit being before three of his disciples. The souls of Moses and Elijah (in spirit) who had been taken away by God appeared with him and they were seen together in bright illumination.
    This pre-supposes that God had kept the souls of Moses and Elijah “somewhere” after taken them away from the earth. The proper question or inquiry to make by believers seeking the true knowledge of God, should be where had God kept them? This is not tackling God or adding fictitious additions into the Bible, but simply finding the truth and explanation in the codified statements or words from God.
  10. The ascension of Jesus Christ made it possible for human souls to ascend to worship God in the heavenly abodes. However, this is only for those who have accomplished their earthly assignments successfully. Glory, dominion, majesty, worship, adoration and praise be to the Almighty God for sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ for the liberation and salvation of mankind from sins, death and bondage.
  11. Let us pray: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ I commit to your care and direction the human race. Make human kind stand out from evil crowd, to run against the evil wind of unrighteousness and iniquities. Cause mankind to be upright and draw closer to Thee in personal intimacy and relationship. May Your mighty arms lift Thy children above the stormy flood of life, to live and accomplish, to fight the battles of life and be victorious, to resurrect and to live eternally in the heavenly abodes provided for the victorious earthly saints, in the most efficacious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, now and evermore. Amen.

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