Before the ministry of Jesus Christ, our Lord, the position of women in religion and society was non-existent. Women are specifically domiciled in the homes to take care of the children and household.

The life and ministry of Jesus heralded a new life and meaning to the women of his time and that has continued until this day.

The Holy Spirit through the angels of God added this:

“In the time of Jesus, women were usually regarded as subordinates and inferior in virtually every area of life. They were to remain at home to be good wives and mothers, and to take no part in any public discourse or education.

Jesus, however, by his teachings and actions affirmed the worth and value of women as persons to be included along with men within God’s love and service. He changed the gender discrimination of women.” Raphael.

Let’s review the initial conditions of women and the positive impact of Jesus Christ to turn these around for good.

  1. Before now, it’s easier for men to divorce their wives at will than for a woman to divorce her husband. Jesus Christ was against this, as he submitted that husband and wife must be one in spirit and flesh. This is the will of God in establishing the marriage institution.

    The holies submitted:

    “During his time, the prerogative of divorce belonged almost exclusively with men who can use virtually any excuse to justify this; Jesus refused to tolerate such male dominance. He realised that the man and his wife are “one flesh” in concept of mutual partnership, and this is God’s intention in marriage.” Raphael.

  2. Jesus Christ stretched out the hand of love and fellowship to women, especially those that the society had condemned. His actions were opposed to the Jewish customs and beliefs regarding women.

    The Holy Spirit through the holy angels submitted:

    “Jesus reached out to women who were rejected. In spite of the law regarding uncleanliness, he allowed a woman with 12 years issue of blood to touch him and he even commended her faith; he permitted a sinful  woman to anoint and kiss his feet; he challenged the religious leaders by telling them that “tax collectors and prostitutes (who they regarded as very sinful) would enter the kingdom of God ahead of them.” He also offered salvation to women tagged adulterous.” Raphael.

  3. Jesus Christ made himself teacher of women as opposed to Jewish custom. He recognised them as part of the society.

    Angel Raphael revealed thus:

    “In his time also, responsible teachers were not to teach women, but he taught women and included them in his group of committed disciples. Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, the Samaritan woman and many others were examples of his female studentship.” Raphael.

  4. Jesus Christ made women important in evangelism as part of his ministry. Women played vital roles in the propagation of his mission on earth.

    God sent His Holy Spirit to educate us on this:

    “The women he included in his ministry became the proclaimer of Jesus the saviour and the risen Lord. All written evidences show that it was Jesus’ women disciples who were first to declare the messages of Jesus’s resurrection which was central to the gospel in the early church.” Raphael.

  5. Jesus Christ liberated the women of his time from customary discrimination. He took them as humans for salvation, this was why he healed and carried out deliverance from evil spirits on many women.

    The holy angels submitted thus:

    “Jesus showed love, care, dignity and respect to women at the time when they were seen as nobody and relegated to the background. His numerous healing and casting out of demons from women displayed his care and concern for their well-being and welfare.” Raphael.

  6. Jesus Christ respected women as against Jewish tradition, he showed that both men and women have the grace of forgiveness and heirs to the kingdom of God.

    The holy angels of God went further:

    “Jesus’ honour and respect was extended to all women – an attitude alien and unexpected in his culture at that time. Jesus unlike the men of his generation taught, that women were equal to men in the sight of God; they could receive God’s forgiveness and grace. Women as well as men could be among his followers with full participation in the kingdom of God.” Raphael.

Many were the women who participated in the ministry of Jesus Christ. These include:

  1. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.
  2. Mary, the mother of Christ.
  3. Anna, the prophetess in the Temple.
  4. Mary and Martha.
  5. The Samaritan woman.
  6. The lame woman, that Jesus called the daughter of Abraham.
  7. Joanna the wife of Chuzas Herod’s steward, and Susanna.
  8. Mary Magdalene.
  9. And many others who ministered to Jesus and his disciples of their substance.

The establishment of the Great Divine Holy Order of Saint Mary (GDHOSM) is the peak of God’s love, affection, respect, dignity, care and call to duty of the female gender in the scheme of His creation.

You have been greatly recognised by Jesus Christ according to God’s will, and this has been firmly established in the GDHOSM, in the various divine appointments into offices, in various spiritual endowments, in various advancements and upliftment, in various healing and restoration arts to purify and sanctify the aura and beings of the female fold.

I congratulate the female fold on your recognition as partners in progress in propagating Christ’s ministry and mission. It is forward ever and backward never. May you be more relevant in things spiritual and edifying to God the Father, in good and stable health, and in God’s love, guidance and command, now and always. Amen.

Let us pray: In the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I pray that all humanity may live together in love, mutual respect, recognising one another as images and likeness of God, in humility and praises to God Almighty, now and forevermore. Amen.

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