New Project (1)

A man who does not know Jesus Christ or if a soul did not know Jesus Christ while on earth, where will he go after death, to the abyss or to reincarnate and return to know Christ before ascension?


The expression, “to know” has many dimensions. To “know about” is just knowing a person without intimacy.

“Know” is another dimension, which means close intimacy that gives you access to a person, unlike just knowing about the person.

The third is “the knowing”, which speaks more about close intimate union, when you are in someone and that person is in you.

To know Jesus the Christ, implies many things. For example, was when Jesus asked his disciples who he was. Some knew him as Jesus the Prophet, but Peter had a revelation of who Jesus is – the Christ and the Son of the living God.

With this, knowing Christ implies having a relationship with the essence of the Christ light that infuses light, love and life into human nature to experience rebirth.


We Christians are the followers of Jesus the Christ. Therefore, the Bible is our guide. Some verses in the Bible emphasize Jesus Christ as our Master, Leader and Commander, that we must emulate and follow.

Few of these verses are:

  1. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. We should put all our worries and fears on him. Hebrews 12:2
  2. In Him we live and move and have our being. As the Christ, he is the energy that provides the dynamics of our lives. Acts 17:28
  3. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, expect by me”. His attributes are the yardstick meant to link us with God. John 14:6
  4. Except a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Being born again entails imbibing the character, beliefs and teachings of Christ and the revival of the body, mind, soul, and spirit of man. Not just accepting him as the Lord and Saviour, it is more than this. John 3:16.
  5. And the gospel will be preached in all the ends of the world, thereafter, shall the end come. Matt 24:14. Christlike living precedes the New Kingdom of God on earth.
  1. The parable of the true vine – John 15 1:6. There will be a pruning of unproductive branches. Not all those who call Jesus’s name are his real followers, but only those who do the will of his Father in heaven.

These are for those who choose to follow Christianity as a religion. Jesus Christ is our mirror for assessment and to emulate.


In other faiths established by God, there are books and laws that guide members according to God’s directive, which are the same and consistent with God’s will.

Most of these religions refer to Christ in different names. For example:

In Ifa mythology, ‘Ela’ means light. ‘Ela rọwa’, ‘Ela lọrọ’.

For Hindus, Acharya is an example of light to those who aspire in light. This is similar to the teachings by Krishna.

To the Buddhist, Jesus was a monk.

To the Muslims, Jesus was the greatest worker and Prophet of God, even though he is not seen as the Son of God.

The law of God through Jesus Christ is that we love God and our fellow man. Whoever follows this law, knows Christ, because this is God’s standard, and this is what Jesus, other true Prophets and religions are mandated to preach on earth – LOVE.

Christianity is a religion based on Christ Jesus and there are other religions – Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Ifa, Islam and others. As long as they follow this universal law – LOVE GOD AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORS, and deviate not from it, they are of God and of Christ and will get the same benefits as those Christians who accepted Christ’s ways of love.

Some Christians may differ in their opinion to this, but I quickly say that those who practice the teachings of Jesus the Christ are the true followers, not those who engage in religious discrimination and condemnation, or holier than thou attitude to others.

The Yoruba concepts of Ọmọlúwàbí, community living, accommodating strangers, care for extended family, respect for elders, care for the aged, and culture of loving and doing good to all, originated from Ifá. Those who uphold these concepts are obeying God’s laws and can be said to have Christ like character.

Whereas the Ifa and Orunmila faith is regarded in many Christian sects as diabolical and not serving the living God.

Since you do not have depth knowledge of other faiths, it will be wrong to start judging them. By condemning other faiths that are not yours is not a wise thing to do. Only God knows who is serving Him. You can preach the gospel of Christ to non-Christians, but never by condemning their faiths.


From the Holy Order, we get deeper insight into the magnanimity of God, giving the grace of reincarnation for a maximum of six times after the first birth, before final judgement for a soul.

In the Holy Order, we have been asked to proclaim the gospel, not as the world does, but by propagating the new Kingdom of God from our attitude, our thoughts, words and deeds; with the spiritual support of the elements in creation to spread and expand our good thoughts to all corners of the earth; and by building the Grand Temple (God’s abode on earth), for His new Kingdom to be established here on earth.

From the above, my understanding is that nothing is beyond God through His unending mercies.

A soul that does not know Jesus or not a Christian before death will be assessed at death and recommended based on his/her records for either purgatory (awaiting the grace of reincarnation for correction), or ascension into Light.

In rare cases as we have been guided, some souls are denied the privilege of a return because their souls were destroyed due to overwhelming evil and wickedness.

Reincarnation is also an opportunity to meet and accept Christ, that is, a change for the better. No soul will be denied the opportunity of imbibing Christ Light and being Christ like, even without being a Christian.

Reincarnation is an act of The Love of God, such that souls might come to the knowledge of the saving grace in Christ.

That is why we are designated as the Anchors of Christ Light, as we continue to propagate the New kingdom of God in our prayers and by our good characters to impact the hearts of men, along with other devotees, the world over.

What we do, our exemplary characters, our good thoughts, actions, and Christ living show us as Christ-like and having Christ light in us. Otherwise, we are anti- Christ.

Christianity is a divine way to lead man to the Godhead. However, being a Christian does not guarantee your salvation, unless you become Christ like.


On 2nd of November in the year 2014, the Rabbinical Council in one of our discussion sessions, took up this subject matter. After a robust discussion on this, the tray report reads thus:

“Christ is in God and God is in Christ!

The Golden rule is – “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart….and your fellow men as yourself.”

Any man who obeys this rule has known Christ through God.

There are parts of the world where the message of Jesus Christ is not preached, and yet some of the humans living there do obey and do the will of the Almighty righteously and obediently, and because He created all beings, He cannot condemn them to destruction because they do not know Christ.

He knew this would occur, and that is one of the motives of the TRINITY.

It is ignorance to think otherwise, for as long as man keeps the golden rule, he stands a chance of heaven.

The difference is that those of you who profess Christ have a more direct way to access God,” Gabriel.


To know Christ does not necessarily mean to become a Christian by religion, it simply means coming to the awareness and consciousness of Light, Life and Love of Christ and allowing same to govern your thoughts, words, deed, and actions. It means having an interaction with the divine Light such that the resultant spark of light is infused into man.

The fact is that you may know Christ and still have a cause to reincarnate if you have to complete the cycle of evolution as a soul.

If knowing Jesus Christ means, accepting him as Saviour and Lord, acknowledging his death and resurrection, the fact remains that without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. This was the divine mission of Jesus the Christ, to become the Supreme Sacrifice for the atonement of the sins of mankind.

If this is the case, anyone who comes into the knowledge of Christ by awareness and consciousness of Light, Love and Life of Christ as explained above, even without acknowledging his death and resurrection, may be graced to ascend, if in his thoughts, words, deeds, and actions he is of Christ. That is, if he abides with the golden rule of God.

Professing Christ as our Saviour, Master, Lord, Leader, Commander and Redeemer gives us the privilege of accessing God the Father more directly, but the most important is to be in Christ and thereby being in God. Knowing Christ is not just reading about him but living the life he preached.

The concept of the Holy Trinity is to link God to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. By this, if you believe in God and serve Him, you are interacting with the Son and the Holy Spirit, even unconsciously.

The prerogative of mercy lies with God Almighty. As things move, so the Lord gives. His love transcends the various Eras before ours to this day and, only Him knows what He will permit tomorrow to save humanity, the crown of His creation.

In the Celestial realm, where souls of men ascend to, there is no religion, no colour of the skin, no tribe or race, no denomination. All are in the image and likeness of God with one faith in God, the Creator of heavens and universe.

Thank you and God bless you all. Amen.

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