The Concept and the Doctrine of Rapture


Brethren in the Lord, the main text of my address is taken from the Gospel of St. Matthew 24:40-42 KJV, I read:

“Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”

Listen to the divine explanation of this text as given by the Holy Spirit through the angels of God, it reads:

“The literary meaning to this Bible verse is that once a soul completes his work on earth, no matter how closely knit, he is to his fellow men, and such a soul will be taken away, because his job has been done. This happens every day, through death, of the children of God.

We hasten to say here that it is not all who die now that, are true children of God.

Those who have not fulfilled their destinies are, as you know, allowed to follow the procedure of re-incarnation, (where they have the opportunity to return as humans or be relegated to other beings) depending upon their life’s efforts.” Gabriel.

Some believers use this Bible verse to support the doctrine of rapture, but in truth Jesus was explaining death and transition of all souls who sojourn on this earth plane.

At this juncture, I will like to share with everyone, the divine knowledge of God on one of the controversial topics in Christendom. This is the doctrine of RAPTURE.

The “Rapture” theory was developed many years after the advent of Christianity. It was a new doctrine that crept into Christendom in the late 18th century. That means in the first one thousand seven hundred (1,700) years of Christianity no mention was made about Rapture.

Lee Meyer, the author of Unlearn the lies, submitted that “the first known mention of Rapture was in an essay published in 1788 by Morgan Edwards. Then in 1827, John Nelson Darby put forth one of the most noteworthy works regarding the rapture, which caused the theory to circulate among the masses.”

Lee concluded that “by the late nineteenth century, preachers such as C. I. Scofield began teaching the Rapture theory. This was when the rapture really became a common belief among Protestants and was further cemented into Christian doctrine in the 1990s with the “Left Behind” series by Jim Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.”

Thus began the teaching and spread of the Rapture theory in Christendom. Although the word Rapture was not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, but there are statements that are used to explain Rapture.

What is Rapture?

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defined Rapture as “Great joy and delight.”

Oxford Dictionary explained Rapture as” A feeling of intense pleasure or joy.”

The New Webster’s Dictionary of the English language explained Rapture as “Emotional state in which intense joy, Love etc. possesses the mind to the exclusion of every other emotion or consideration.”

The holy angels of God define this word thus:

“Rapture means – to take away; to die in joy and happiness knowing that man has fulfilled his mission on earth and his home call is without fear or anxiety.” Michael.

There has been a great misconception about this word and the expected event. There are two distinct schools of thought on the event of Rapture. The first believe that the left behind are the condemned souls, judged to suffer; while those taken away are the righteous souls to be with the saints above. The second claim that the correct interpretation of this event is the opposite to the left behind theory. This school of thought asserted that those who were taken away were those who died condemned, while those who remain are the saved souls who shall be joined with Christ together with those who died in Christ. Each of these schools of thought, support their argument with Bible explanations. This has left Christians more confused.

What is the true position and divine stand that Christians should uphold on the theory of Rapture?

Rapture occurs every time a true believer is called upon to return to God after the completion of his work on the earth plane, mind you this is only in the context of this discuss. In the actual fact, it is not all who die now that are true children of God.

Without doubt, there is a reward for every act done by man while on earth, be it good, be it bad, the idea of the ‘Rapture’ is a consolation for those who have done the wish of the Father and have been assured of a reward commensurate with their labours.

The holy angels submitted thus: “However, this cannot be understood, unless one is mindful and aware of the laws of Karma, Re-incarnation and Grace.

These days Christendom hardly believe in the doctrine of karma and re-incarnation. The general belief is that “It is appointed unto man to die only once, and after that the judgement.” If this be so, then, man is portraying God as one who has no feeling or plan for the people He created in His image and after His likeness.

The purpose of God is to make the earth as good and habitable even as the heavens are, and He has not, and will not go back on this desire until that is fulfilled, and the inhabitants of that New Kingdom of God on earth will remain, the human beings, God being the ruler and the controller of all things then.” Gabriel.

The New Kingdom of God on earth, or the perfect earth is the pursuit of God, and this makes it mandatory for man to wear out all his karma in his re-incarnation until man becomes the perfect soul within the limit of opportunities given unto him or else, the soul will be reduced to a lower form or being or be cast into perpetual suffering.

This knowledge to some believers may be taken as blasphemous by the rigid minded, however, to those who prayerfully seek the knowledge of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom of God shall open their mind and eyes to the truth and edify them on that which was hitherto hidden from them.

God is a God of love and should first be seen as such, before considering His consuming ability. The truth is, when the world becomes perfect, heavens and earth shall be as one, and God the Father shall be the ruler of all.

Jesus went further to warn about the end time and sign in Matthew 24:29, KJV says: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:”

‭‭Please let’s take note of the explanation of this Bible verse by the Holy Spirit, through the holy angels, it reads:‬‬

“Man is in the era of tribulations at this time. There is virtually no nation on the earth that is without one problem or the other.

The tribulations are so glaring and destructive, yet, some people seem not to bother. These are not ordinary, and they are meant to warn man, to change the hearts of those who are ready to heed the call of God, and to destroy those who have hardened their hearts.

These tribulations shall continue until God is satisfied that He has the right people to live with Him in His Kingdom here on earth.” Raphael.

Brethren in the Lord, in summary, man is expected to live as ‘God’ having been created in His image and after His likeness. Therefore God of love have made it possible for man to return after death by means of re-incarnation, in order to attain perfection within the limit of the opportunities afforded man. Also for every deed of man, be it good or bad, there are resultant and accumulated results, called karma. Man must wear off all negative karma, and again this is made possible by re-incarnation. The grace of God provided by the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ subsists, but only with man’s efforts, knowledge and obedience to divine rules that man can fully appropriate this special grace.

God shall not destroy this world again, but shall continue to punish and teach man the importance of obedience to His will, this is evident in God’s vow and in the prayer of His Son, Jesus Christ when in the Lord’s Prayer he thought his disciples that “Thy Kingdom come O God…” The dead in Christ and the living in Christ shall come together to live in God’s New Kingdom on earth, with God as the ruler.

In conclusion the Holy Spirit of God made this assertion on the New Kingdom of God on earth, the angels submitted thus:

“The Kingdom of God shall be established in the hearts of men here on earth and when this happens there shall be no wickedness, no sin, no vile; man’s inhumanity to man shall be a thing of the past; men and animals shall live together as it was in the garden of Eden; then, man shall be perfect with God to live in a world that is devoid of wars, pestilences and dangers.” Michael, Gabriel, Raphael.

Therefore, Rapture only takes place in the life of souls who were recalled after the successful completion of their earthly assignments haven worn off their karma, through re-incarnations and God’s afforded grace in Christ.

I ask every one of us here, if you are recalled today or rather if you die now, will your exit be a rapture, that is a great delight and joy to be admitted into the heavenly abodes; or a perpetual suffering in hell; or a reduction from human to a lower soul to serve as punishment; or another chance of re-incarnation as a human to make amends? There is no magic in this, as you lay your bed, so you lie on it. Time waits for no one, it may be long and it may be short, but it is certain, death shall come.

You and I can also attain a perfect status in Christ Jesus. The choice is ours.

Let us pray: O God our heavenly Father, to Thee we surrender our free-will, direct our conscience, refine our thoughts, guide our utterances, make us to be in peace with Thee, that we may journey back home successfully utilising the special grace that Jesus, the Christ afforded humanity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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