The Second Coming of Christ as Foretold by Jesus Himself


1. The Gospels of Matthew chapter 24 and Mark Chapter 13 is an account of the parable of the second coming of Christ with signs to be noted in the fulfillment of this prediction by Jesus.

Many followers of Christ understand the second coming of Christ literally as foretold by Jesus. We expect to see our Lord coming from heaven in the sky from the four corners of the world in flesh. This is a wrong understanding and interpretation of this parable of Jesus.

This parable is the apocalyptic and eschatological teachings of Jesus Christ. That is, it deals with things that would happen in the future, and the prediction of the end of the world that would coincide with the Parousia or the second advent of Christ.

2. This is one of the numerous misinterpretations of the word of God and mistakes in Christendom. Many are feed with these falsehood and were misled. You and I were commissioned by Christ to educate His flock with the true interpretation of His words. Literal interpretation of the word of God by believers do not always give the correct message in the word.

3. Parables arrest the mind of the individual hearer or reader in such a way that it forces him to think seriously about the truth being imparted and also to act upon it. The intention is to stir and awaken the mind to the recognition of a particular situation and challenge it to action. Parables demand considerable thought for understanding and precisely because of this Jesus kept on saying: “Those who have ears to hear let them hear.”

For the same reason Jesus said unto them: “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” Mark 4:11-12 KJV.

This saying does not suggest that Jesus intended to hide the meaning of his teachings from people, but to invoke the power of reasoning of the wise and the desirable minds for understanding, as against those who lack understanding and are unable to discern the truth in the parables. This means that not all preachers, scholars, evangelists and intellectuals can interpret the meaning of His word precisely and accurately; except those who are graced with the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

4. For emphasis let’s look at the Gospel of St Matthew 24:29-31, it reads:
29 – Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 – And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 – And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

5. To interpret correctly the true messages in the word of God, the assistance of the Holy Spirit is very essential and critical. Therefore, the assistance of the Holy Spirit was sought for in divine meditation, and the holy angels of God who are closer to mankind were sent. The holy angels explained the meaning and correct interpretation of this prophesy of Jesus Christ, from three points of view, they submitted thus:

6. ” As it is of Jesus – He spoke to his disciples in parables and it is only those among them who are wise that can comprehend and truly interpret all that he said.

The second coming of Christ as narrated to them by Christ himself cannot mean that he is coming back physically a second time, as this will negate his teachings while on earth. There are many citations to buttress this: In many of his teachings he has said ” Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am with them.”

Furthermore, he had told his disciples “I am with you even unto the end of the world.” He said “I am with…. Not I will come to be.
These are direct statements which confirm that he has come and will remain with whoever believes in Him.”
Michael, Gabriel, Samael, Raphael, Sachiel, Anael, Caphiel.

7. Secondly, the Holy Spirit through the angels of God educated us further it reads:

8. “Jesus Christ was born in a particular town, he grew up in certain places and went to certain cities, not every city of the world.
However, today, the gospel of Jesus is in every nook and corner. If this be so, his expected coming is not such by which he will appear in the Sky and all eyes shall see him, as recorded in the above passage.

What this parable is talking about is that the effect of his first coming shall now be seen by all in full manifestation and in glory. This shall be a time when there is no further humiliation and crucifixion of him, but a time of heralding the new born period of God on earth.

The sun, the moon and the stars are all Light providers, and these ones shall surrender their power, for the wicked to be removed from the surface of the earth before a new dawn and a rebirth of a new world.
These things are mystery and only the wise can comprehend.” Gabriel, Raphael.

9. Thirdly, the Angels of God enlighten us further on the second coming of Christ in relation to God’s new kingdom. It reads:

Jesus came to the world to redeem the world and prepare a kingdom for his Father. The people of the world rejected him and did not believe in his doctrines.

However, for the sake of the few who believe, and for God’s purpose and plans to be made manifest, God has, before the departure of Jesus decided that His kingdom would be established on the surface of the earth, where the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit will descend to reign in that kingdom; with the saints below to create a holy nation.

This then will be his second coming, however, he would not be coming alone and in the manner which the world is expecting.
This is because the kingdom of God is already here and in the life of every individual.

It now depend on how each one, particularly you in His Order make use of this kingdom to showcase His purpose.
As you see, every aspect of his prophesy has been fulfilled and are still being fulfilled.

God in His miraculous way has established the Holy Order with the charge to go and proclaim the New Kingdom of God – which according to the prophesy is the final phase of Jesus coming.

To expect a sounding trumpet and shout in the sky to herald the coming of Christ is a great fallacy which is not correct.
All these being said, you in His Order must know that the tasks before you are enormous and you cannot afford to joke with it. It is a continuous task until the end of the world ( which may not come).

The grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit remain and abide with you, for you to be successful in this commission.” Michael, Gabriel, Samael, Raphael, Sachiel, Anael, Caphiel.

11. Since Jesus Christ has promised to be in the company or gathering of those who call on his name in humility and faith, he has been visiting the Holy Order in spirit, not in flesh to strengthen His Holy Order for the great task of propagating God’s New Kingdom on earth, which shall translate to his second coming together with his Father and the Holy Spirit to perpetually dwell on earth.

12. Why was Jesus Christ born like a normal child and not descended from heaven as the Son of God? This is a very important question to buttress the fact that Jesus Christ shall not appear in the sky as his second coming. If Jesus Christ descended from the sky as a baby instead of being born like a normal child, many people will not relate with him. He will be seen as a spirit not as a human being. But to show that he is a complete human being in flesh, he was conceived and delivered like a normal baby, even though his was of immaculate conception.

If we understand this wisdom of God, then it will be easy for us to understand the interpretation of the parable of the second coming of Christ. Since he has shed the flesh and become a spiritual being, he will continue to visit and be with his followers in spirit, no more in flesh.

In Matthew 24:14 Jesus declared “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Most Christians believe that at end time, the world will seize to be or will be destroyed, for a new world will emerge. This cannot be interpreted literally.

14. What is end time and new world order. The Bible gave the account of Jesus’s teaching on the eschaton, the end of the world, that there shall be nations rising against nations, desolating sacrilege, persecution of the believers, false prophets claiming to be Christ, men’s love will grow cold and disasters of high magnitude. Many believers take this literarily to mean that this world shall come to an end, and God shall create another world and humans.

The end time is here now, this is evident in the present state of the world. However, the believers in God Almighty that are upright and steadfast in the Lord shall be spared to correct the mistakes of the world, build a new world order, and progress in divinely. Evils shall be banished, wickedness shall be exterminated, disobedience shall be overcome, and sin shall be a thing of the past.

15. As foretold, there are tribulations, wars, blood shed, unimaginable disasters, falsehood and extortion in holy places, killings in the name of God, ritual killings and human sacrifices in the world now. By these God is bringing to the end the rule of evils that have perverted this world, to establish the reign of His new Kingdom in the new world holy order. God and His heavenly Sons shall fellowship with mankind on earth, and the earth shall be holy and sanctified.

16. We have no hiding place, the world of human race is looking forward to true believers, for the manifestation of the New Kingdom of God depends on our sincere propagation in thoughts, words and deeds. This is a divine commission and a sacred charge for all followers of Christ to obey and fulfill successfully. The time is now!

17. Let us pray: Father, God, Your plan for the world of mankind is to be Thy foot stool, where all attributes of Your Kingdom dwell. This was designed to show Your special love for mankind, the glory of Thy creation. Let Thy will be done on earth, as it is in the celestial realm, and Your reign be everlasting dominion now and forevermore. Amen.

May the blessing of God the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit remain, dwell and abide with you from now, henceforth and forthwith. Amen.

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