The Power of the Tongue to Build or Destroy


Beloved Mishenites and favoured ones among men, ordained and privileged to witness the enthronement and reign of this new King and the FATHER’S Representative among HIS people; let not your life as a Mishenite be controlled and ruled by ego, greed, envy, anger and hate.

As humans; there are bound to be moments of anger and annoyance between us; however, in our moments of anger and annoyance; we must never mix bad and illicit words with our bad moods.

For, you will have many opportunities to change your mood as time goes on, but you will never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.

You must be very wise and extremely careful with words that will ever come out of your mouth.

The tongue is a tool of command.
Though many use it, only a few know it’s worth and might.
Why is it that animals do not have the ability to speak?
How about the plants or the mountains?
Why is it that man has that ability to speak?
Because man mimics his Creator fully and, in a way, that no other living or inanimate thing does.

As God pronounces, so it is done.

This is the power man has, which a large percentage of you are ignorant about. You think because you do not always see the effects immediately, that your words are useless.

This is caused by a lack of faith; the instant you, as a man, pronounce something, the actions to bring about that thing are begun with immediate effect.

Words have meanings. And the meanings you give to these words determine the power they will exercise over you and over your environment.
A word spoken with conviction or faith has more power, the same power as that spoken in jest. That is, even a word spoken in jest exerts its own power.

A word of conviction comes from within and will connect with the corresponding energy without. In other words, words of faith always find their corresponding levels in the universe, and all those with the same convictions obey.

When a word is spoken, man has an intention for it. This is what was spoken by the prophet when it was written “your word will not come back void without achieving that which it was intended.” Yet many speak without intent.

Therefore, seek to intelligently speak at all times and then you will notice the power you have at your disposal.

At conception, you have a baby which only manifests itself after nine months. However, the baby has always been there.
Because life is always there
‘LIFE’ existed before conception.

Word is life

This is how you must see your tongue, as a tool that plants a seed. The type of seed you have planted depends on your thoughts. The growth of the seed thereafter depends on your combined thoughts, actions and words towards the growth of that seed.

If you plant a good seed, water it, communicate with it constantly, for it to grow well, and it will.

If you plant a good seed, but neglect it, though it may grow, but it will be nowhere near where it should have.

If you plant a bad seed and it destroys your other crops because you did not make amends by uprooting it, you will have only yourself to blame.

This is what angel Raphael had to say about the tongue:

“Use your tongue only for His praise and things that shall evoke His praises.
Use your tongue only to bring hope and joy to your audience.
Use your tongue only to bring you closer to His Presence, and it shall be well with you.”

The tongue does not work in isolation. The outputs of your tongue are the words you speak. The inputs of your words are the thoughts that you compose. So really, the mind is the remote control for the tongue. It is what determines what the tongue will say and even how it will say it.

So, you must control your mind to properly harness the power of your tongue.

A learned person will say, 2+2=4. He has spoken the truth and said what is.

An ignorant person will say: 1+1=3. He has a tongue just as the wise man does, but he has not spoken the truth. He has not said what is. This is destruction.

The truth builds; lies destroy. And so, you must strive to have the truth revealed to you so that when you speak, you are building up and not destroying.

So, what does it all mean?

It means; Yes, the tongue (word) does have the power to build or destroy, but it is a power that is fuelled by the mind (thoughts) and sustained by actions (deeds).

To build, one must meditate on the truth, speak power to that truth and live it. What the person builds is not only his life, but also his immediate environment. For when man hears truth, it is like a good seed being planted in his heart that has the potential to bear fruit.

On the other hand, destruction comes when the tongue speaks lies and deceit – says what is not true. This causes confusion and chaos, which leads to eventual destruction not only of the person, but also of those he/she is around.

In this vein, you must be careful of your meditations and even more so before you utter them. Ask yourself, if I pronounce these thoughts, will I be building (stating the truth)? Or will I be destroying (spreading deceit)? It is better to say nothing at all than to be the author of confusion and destruction.

My dear Brethren…
Watch your thoughts;
What your words;
Watch your deeds;

Be careful not to pronounce false judgments. God alone is in the position to judge. Accept people as they are, for who they are and make no assumptions that a person is in the wrong. That too is a form of destruction because, a false assumption is no different from deceiving oneself and others that hear such.

Learn to accept people as they are and leave everyone to his or her own devices. Focus just on yourself and your progress – the works assigned to you.

If you find you are having the time to pronounce a judgment of good or bad on your fellow man, it means that you are not occupying your mind in the right way and this should be addressed.

The image and likeness of God is nonphysical. It is the power to be like God.

God does not look like man in the physical form. Yet within man you will find all that God is.

God thinks,
God speaks,
God acts.
When you understand this and bring into being only that which you originally ‘think’, then, you have become the god you are. Yet only a few attain this status because most people get carried away by the things of this world.

The things of this world remain in the world, while the things of God return to God. But all things are of God even the things of this world.

The things of God are eternal.
They rise from the dead.
They bring life.

The things of this world decay and hence are of benefit only in this world.

The tongue is powerful because it is part of the process that commands. What it says under authority brings into being, the thought of man.
Which is why the power of the tongue can build, and it can also destroy.

Choose to build at all times.

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