The Exalted Name of Emmanuel


My text is taken from the epistle of St Paul to the Philippians, Philippians 2: 9-11. It reads:

“Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Ihinrere Paulu si awon ara Filipi 2:9-11, o wipe:

” Nitorina Ọlọrun pẹlu si ti gbe e ga gidigidi, O si ti fi orukọ kan fun u ti o bori gbogbo orukọ:

Pe, li orukọ Jesu ni ki gbogbo ekun ki o ma kunlẹ, awọn ẹniti mbẹ li ọrun, ati awọn ẹniti mbẹ ni ilẹ, ati awọn ẹniti mbẹ nisalẹ ilẹ.

Ati pe ki gbogbo ahọn ki o maa jẹwọ pe, Jesu Kristi ni Oluwa, fun Ogo Ọlọrun Baba.”

Brethren in the Lord, from this text it is evident that the message of apostle Paul is that after the successful completion of the divine task of salvation for mankind by Jesus, God the Almighty Father exalted and placed Jesus at a higher position. Due to this elevation, by the mention of the name of Jesus all knees must bow and all tongues must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

The Holy Bible testified to the fact that after death, Jesus resurrected on the third day, he appeared to his disciples and later ascended to the heavens.

The account of Apostle Paul in this text is a narration of what happened after the ascension of Jesus. God made him to sit at His right hand and proclaimed him a co-ruler in God’s kingdom.

In this exalted position Jesus assumed the tittle of Christ – which means the Light- to lead the way, to be the pathfinder, to illuminate, to redeem man from this hostile world and to instruct on the truth through the Holy Spirit.

In this exalted position Jesus also became the first Son of God, who sits at the right hand of the Father- to intercede for mankind and assist God in running the affairs in God’s kingdom both in the heavens, on earth and in the abys or hell.

Who is this Jesus Christ to whom all these attributes are ascribed? Many people both Christians and non-Christians often ask this valuable question. To all true believers and followers of Christ we must get the answer to this question right. The Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes in spite of their exposure, education and knowledge of the scriptures failed to understand who Jesus Christ truly was. Unfortunately, this trend is still visible among we Christians till today.

Jesus, the Christ is the greatest soul that ever lived or still living on this planet earth. His determination, humility, dedication, love and obedience to God showed him as the most successful of all the souls, creatures and Sons of God.

By his birth he is seen as a man, the son of Holy Mary.

By his immaculate conception, he is seen as the Son of God.

By his life, he lived like human being, and by his experience of life he showed man the true way to rise from his fall as the crown of God’s glory.

By his teachings he lived a practical example of what he taught and also revealed new knowledge about God the Father and His Kingdom.

By his passion he willingly suffered for the sins he never committed, even without any ill-will towards his persecutors, just to fulfil God’s verdict.

By his death on the cross he accepted to be a criminal, though innocent, he made himself a sacrificial victim, the Passover lamb for the sins of the world.

By his descending into hell he subdued Satan’s reign, and liberated the captives from the bondage of sins.

By his resurrection from the dead he established Christianity as a way of life on a solid rock of Christ Light.

By his ascension to glory he sat by the right hand of God and rule over the dead and the living, angels and the hosts of heaven, darkness and it’s agents to the honour and glory of God the Father.

Taking cognisance of this higher and exalted position, it is very important to give honour and due respect to the name of Jesus Christ. Let us remember that the Bible says by this name all knees must bow, while all tongues must confess that he is Lord in heavens, on earth and in hell or realm of darkness.

But unfortunately this is not the case with the modern day Christians. It is this highly exalted name of Jesus Christ that is most taken for granted and abused by Christians.

It is this name above all names in heaven, earth and hell that Christians must hold in high esteem, that we unfortunately mention at every sentence in prayer without due honour to this name.

It is this exalted name of Jesus Christ that we Christians shout without reverence. Followers of Christ believe that the louder this sacred name is proclaimed, the quicker and expressly prayers are answered.

It is this sacred name of our Lord Jesus Christ that Christians use ignorantly for cutting cakes at functions.

It is this holy name of Jesus Christ that most of us even call in vain. By these are we honouring this exalted name of Christ? No, not at all. This is saddening and quite unfortunate.

Whereas, a traditional worshiper for example will sing pedigree or eulogy of sango, oya, osun, ogun and other lesser deities when invoking their powers.

Whereas, Moslems will call with respect and pay homage when the name of Prophet Mohamed or other Prophets are mentioned.

But we Christians will shout and call the name of Jesus Christ, the name higher and above all other names of prophets, gods and goddess, deities, entities, angels and other creation of God in total disrespect, and use this sacred name for frivolous things in pretext that we are invoking the efficacy and power in this sacred name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The way forward for we Christians is first to be aware and acknowledge that the name of Jesus Christ is a holy name, a name above all other names of God’s creatures. Apart from the names of God Almighty, Jesus Christ takes precedence over all other names both on earth and the heavens.

Secondly, the name of Jesus Christ must not be used for frivolities like cutting of cakes, jokes, vain words, etc.

Thirdly, we must give full reverence to this name in our prayers, if we must use it to ask for a request from God, it must be done with respect, honour, proper approach, concentration, purity, clear conscience and due reverence. Calling this name in every sentence of our prayer is uncalled for, this name if we must use it ought to come at the very end of such prayer and following the rules to be able to appropriate the efficacy in the name.

Fourthly, this name must not be debased by shouting. When Jesus prayed, he approached God in reverence not by shouting at his Father, but with the confidence in Father-Son relationship. Since we are the sons of God, by the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, we also have the Father-Son relationship with God. It is not by shouting to high heavens that prayers are heard. God sees the inner mind of men and knows our requests, therefore, we must approach Him in reverence through the exalted name of Emmanuel, Jesus the Christ.

It is true that we are in the period of grace, but there are laid down principles and rules that must be followed for answered prayers. The Bible says we cannot continue to wallow in sins and expect grace to flourish. The name of Jesus, the Christ must not be continually debased and abused by Christians, while we expect to access the power and efficacy invested. Those who have ears let them hear.

Let us pray: God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all things and judge of all men, we have sinned by our over zealousness in disrespecting the name of Christ, the name You set above all names in heavens and earth. Forgive us and grant us the grace to do Thy will in the beauty of holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives, by the special authority in the precious name, Emmanuel, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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2 responses to “The Exalted Name of Emmanuel”

  1. Olu Oyelowo says:

    Jesus Christ is the Truth. Yes shall know the truth and the Truth shall set you free

  2. Wale Adeogun says:

    Thank you for this food of the soul. Let the light of God’s word illuminate our heart and make us better people in our sojourn on this earth plain.

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